Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Express boat sinks near Belaga

BELAGA, May 28(Bernama) -- Unofficial figures say some 21 people are still missing while 181 others managed to swim to safety in the express boat sinking accident which occurred near here between 8.30am to 9.00am this morning.

A councillor of the Kapit District Council Roland Bete' Lahang when contacted said said the police and other related government departments assisted by timber camps, oil palm and timber plantation officials were still trying to work out the actual figures.

When contacted, Belaga District Officer Abdul Halim Abdullah accompanied by Hulu Rajang member of parliament Wilson Ugak Kumbong and Belaga state assemblyman Liwan Lagang were on their way to the scene this afternoon.

The express boat was extremely packed with timbercamp, oil palm and timber plantation workers returning home for the Gawai Dayak festival this weekend, according to Roland Bete'.

He added it (Bakun Mas Express boat) was on its way to Kapit and Sibu when it crashed onto rock in the Rajang River (at diam Bungan) after about 40 minutes of leaving Belaga town.

He said police and medical teams were at the scene now doing search and rescue operations.


Friday, May 17, 2013


Naat ne kise plan kerajaan le kelo ke melenjah tana' le kedaya sungai, ida ke oyan yu ale-ale tele dam di pah kado' ale' toh?


Flood areas(in red color) of Sarawak dam projects.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bersihkan senarai daftar pemilih

Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia ingin menyuarakan rasa TAK puas hati terhadap kesahihan daftar pemilih pada PRU13 kali ini. Rakan senegara juga boleh mengutarakan apa yang anda telah dapati dari kaji selidik anda sendiri. Ini cuma satu komentar dari saya sebagai rakyat yang ingin melihat daftar pengundi yang benar-benar bersih. Ini akan membolehkan perjalanan pilihanraya berjalan dengan licin, adil dan sistem demokrasi yang sebenarnya dapat dilaksanakan.

Sebagai contoh;

Pemegang kad pengenalan (Mykad) ini  mungkin orang yang sama tetapi mempunyai tiga (3) kad pengenalan diri (kemungkinan); Ini cuma anggapan atau pendapat saya sahaja (jangan salah tafsir yer). Untuk memastikan individu ini adalah orang yang sah dan individu yang berlainan tapi sama nama anggota JPN and SPR harus melakukan penyiasatan dengan lebih terperinci.

49071506 5137
49071506 5161
49071506 5233
Individu bernama AB Rapar Bin Awang dari Kuantan Pahang;

Selain dari itu, pengundi-pengundi yang membawa kad pengenalan yang tidak sah juga harus ditolak atau ditegah untuk mengundi. Sebagai contoh penduduk yang jelas-jelas dari negara Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Filipina, Thailand, Myanmar dan sebagainya.  Mereka ini cuma melakukan tugas khas ini masa undi sahaja dan saya rasa mereka bukan warganegara yang sah. Saya harap perkara ini tidak terjadi di Malaysia.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Political leader's characters versus new candidate for their political party

A popular bahasa melayu peribahasa such as ' seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan dengan betul' is my favorite idiom for the day; When I look at this idiom in our community today it is worthwhile to discuss it. As a lot of the politician say the opposition is bluffing or they do not walk the talk. It will subside during off peak time (non-election time) but it will certainly clearly subsurface during election time. Whether you are from BN or PR do mind what you are saying during the campaign, simple principle is be humble and only talk about the facts and do not over excited about the things that is considered a hot issue.

If BN says they are good government why until now when we complain about the road heading to ASAP or BAKUN dam to be repaired and no action taken to repair the road? Is this consider the efficient government do they listen to us? No ones take our grievances seriously when we logged a request to them, they are not helping us but keep giving excuses;

If you are a good government why spend or over spend so much people's money during the election campaign  to wins the heart of people. and why do you control the electronic media and the local newspaper? We are bored with all these ideas.

If our national education system is so good, why the rich people and the politician doesn't send their children to the public primary school and local university. They sent their child abroad for quality education. Don't be fooled my friends. Why our universities ranking is not among the top 100 in the world. Look at our neighbor Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan.

If BN is walk the talk why so many projects are not accomplish as of now? Why...janji dinodai atau dilupai. No money politic kununnya but they are the one that practice it. common, please walk the talk. WOW.

If you said BN is good why only last year the secondary school in Bakun resettlement is being completed, how many school dropped out since 2000 we have had in our community now. Look at this seriuosly, as I consider the education is very important for us to catch up with other fellow Malaysian. This is not the government that knows what the people want. This similar and classic situation not only happened in my constitution but I have a feeling it is happening everywhere in this country.

If they are a good government why the Hospital is not being built in Belaga town to provide a good health support for the poor rural people. Do they need to travel using the poor road all the way to Bintulu for treatment?

If Belaga district is not worth to be developed with basic infrastructure due to lack of natural resources, why so many Companies such as Shin Yang, Ekran, Rimbunan Hijau, WTK, SOP and plantation companies open up new estates in this area. This area is so rich with the high quality timbers and other resources and we are being told this area is not giving them much profits to open up and explore it. I don't buy this nonsense excuses, it is plainly unacceptable answer. We are cheated by all of our current leaders. Wake up all, we need to give them a lesson do not choose the wrong political party to explore and grab our ancestors land, it is just to precious too let it go to them.

What about the natives children do they provide an adequate scholarship to support us to further our study? They would probably use this fund to support their own supporter and the majority of the orang ulu will always be the victim. Think wisely before you vote. Do not look at the party anymore since corruption is the main issue here and no more room shall be considered for the good guy that will represents the same political party (BN). These new faces will be on a high risk to become corrupted one day since the current leader is corrupted. As they are the new wine going to deal with the old wine skin. This is not fit at all.

Executes your responsible to your country, go and vote for your rights and deliver our nation from corruption and evil leaders. God Bless Malaysia.

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