Thursday, September 13, 2012

Janji sudah ditepati, ker belom? atau dinodai

Kita mau janji mikro-hydro projek dimulakan dengan segera! kerana janji ini sudah mau 3 tahun dah...nanti jadi janji kusung.....janji bikin jalanraya pun belum siap lagi kerana janjinya adalah jalan berturap 18 kilo.... ...lain kali jangan suka berjanji (berdaje' dau kenyah) dengan rakyat...kena hati-hati kalau mau janji....hehehe.....ayen dayo-dayo senganak....ngena ida nak projek ji milu ke apau ne ading....tudep-tudep mutu e ke Shafie Apdal.

Janji beri klinik kesihatan desa yang dulu-dulu tu pun belum ditepati lagi..apa macam ini.......tanya ler BN..


Tanggal 31 Januari 2010 merupakan hari yang sangat bersejarah dan bermakna untuk warga Data Kakus. Kampung Data Kakus telah menerima satu rombongan besar yang diketuai oleh Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Malaysia, YB Datuk Seri Haji Mohd. Shafie Apdal untuk menghadiri Majlis Pemimpin Bersama Rakyat. Untuk pengetahuan semua, ini adalah kali PERTAMA seorang Menteri Persekutuan menjejakkan kaki ke bumi Data Kakus :)
Turut mengiringi rombongan ini adalah Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Alfred Jabu,  YB Datuk Joseph Entulu Anak Belaun (Timbalan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Malaysia), YB Encik John Sikie Anak Tayai  (ADUN Kakus), YB Dato Sri Micheal Manyin Anak Jawong (Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Perhubungan Sarawak).
Rombongan telah selamat tiba ke Kampung Data Kakus pada kira-kira jam 10.30pagi menggunakan  5 buah helikopter. (Rombongan sepatutnya menggunakan jalan tanah untuk 18km terakhir tetapi keadaan jalan yang terlalu licin). Sambutan mesra telah diberikan oleh warga Data Kakus terhadap rombongan menteri yang sudi mengunjungi Data Kakus.
Sisipan daripada ucapan Ketua Kampung, Encik Baling
Ketua Kampung, Encik Baling telah memberi sedikit penerangan tentang Data Kakus. Kampung Data Kakus terletak di pedalaman daerah Tatau. Kampung Data Kakus terletak 178 km daripada Bintulu. Berikut adalah pecahan jarak : Bintulu - Simpang KTS, Bakun  : 100 km (jalan berturap);Simpang KTS - Simpang Jonat  : 60 km (jalan kem / balak); Simpang Jonat - Kampung Data Kakus : 18 km (jalan balak/ tanah).
        Encik Baling menjelaskan tentang kesusahan kehidupan masyarakat Data Kakus yang majoritinya Kenyah Badeng. Kampung yang terpencil ini tidak mempunyai talian telefon dan bergantung kepada generator sendiri untuk bekalan elektrik. 
          Namun, kebanyakan masa masyarakat Data Kakus terpaksa bergantung kepada bekalan minyak tanah sebagai sumber api kerana tidak mampu membeli minyak diesel serta kos penghantaran minyak diesel dari Bintulu adalah tinggi (disebabkan keadaan jalan yang terlalu teruk). 
         Sumber ekonomi yang utama di Data Kakus adalah penanaman padi bukit (huma) menggunakan kaedah tradisional. Kemudahan yang terdapat di Data Kakus hanyalah sebuah sekolah rendah (SK Ulu Kakus) dan prasekolah, perkhidmatan doktor udara, balai raya dan padang bola sepak. Encik Baling Along berharap agar cadangan kerajaan persekutuan membina jalan tar sejauh 18km dapat dilaksanakan demi kepentingan dan kesejahteraan kehidupan masyarakat Data Kakus.

Sisipan daripada ucapan Ketua Kampung, Encik Peter Deno Amit
Ketua Kampung Encik Peter Deno Amit pula telah menyuarakan bagaimana sukarnya ketiadaan jalan yang baik di kampung ini. Masyarakat Data Kakus sentiasa bersabung nyawa menggunakan jambatan kayu yang dibina sendiri (adakalanya runtuh terutamanya pada musim hujan). 
         Encik Peter Deno berharap kerajaan dapat membina sebuah klinik desa agar masyarakat Data Kakus boleh mendapat rawatan awal dan mencegah penyakit daripada menjadi lebih kronik. Buat masa ini, masyarakat Data Kakus terpaksa ke Belaga atau ke Bintulu untuk mendapat sebarang rawatan pesakit luar.
         Beliau turut menyuarakan keperitan kehidupan masyarakat Data Kakus yang terpaksa bergantung kepada minyak tanah dan berharap agar projek mikro hidroelektrik dapat diberikan kepada kampung ini.
Sisipan daripada ucapan YB Encik John Sikie Anak Tayai (ADUN Kakus)
YB Encik John Sikie Anak Tayai menyokong penuh cadangan pembinaan jalan raya sepanjang 18km. Menurut beliau, dengan adanya jalan raya yang elok, harga barang dapat diselaraskan dan seterusnya mengurangkan bebanan orang kampung Data Kakus. Beliau sendiri mengakui bahawa jalan paling teruk adalah 18 km yang terakhir yang adakalanya boleh mengambil 1 jam lebih. 
        YB Encik John Sikie turut mencadangkan supaya masyarakat Data Kakus mengusahakan penternakan ikan semah atau ikan empurau yang sememangnya mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi. Beliau juga berharap supaya masyarakat Data Kakus akan setia dan terus menyokong kerajaan agar dapat menjamin masa depan kehidupan warga Data Kakus serta membolehkan pembangunan berjalan dengan lancar.

Sisipan daripada ucapan YB Datuk Seri Haji Mohd. Shafie Apdal (Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Malaysia)
YB Datuk Seri Hj. Mohd Shafie Apdal menyatakan bahawa kerajaan sangat prihatin terhadap rakyat. Kerajaan sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan masyarakat termasuk di pedalaman tidak jauh ketinggalan.
        Menurut beliau, satu cara untuk mengatasi kemiskinan adalah melalui pendidikan. Anak-anak perlu belajar bersungguh-sungguh serta mempunyai akhlak yang baik. Kehidupan masyarakat akan menjadi lebih baik sekiranya mendapat pendidikan yang baik.
        Beliau turut mengingatkan rakyat supaya sentiasa menjaga dan memelihara dengan baik prasarana, serta mengekalkan kesatuan dan perpaduan antara penduduk kampung. Datuk Seri turut mengingatkan masyarakat Data Kakus agar sentiasa mengekalkan hubungan yang baik dengan kerajaan pusat. Masyarakat Data Kakus disarankan agar sentiasa bersyukur kerana dapat hidup dengan aman.
        Peruntukkan sebanyak RM 300,000.00 telah diberikan kepada Kampung Data Kakus untuk projek mikro-hidroelektrik.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Usun Apau v1

Ngimet ne iko naki un dalau empak latak (secondary forest) tepun le ke usun apau tana' data te, bayu kasa baya' sawak mudung batu miyang ja atek sengim, aka kayu mudip, lalit kayu ja bio lan, kado udip tumu, nelawak le oban ketai petap du ke usun te, ke enta mudung ancang ja kado dau tuyaw cen da iko nta puto ngening dau tuyaw. Seregip bulu neriga dau tuyaw macem-macem cen ke tana' apau. Cut tana' peso le teka ketai taket le pesuk dalem tana' sua' un kado ale tana mebub, takut teka le lelipan ngan lipa busung nai nganap ke osah le, tana' apau ja lengah, suak tepun le nai mecin ne kenai pita udip ja denak ngan tiga ke aba' sungai atau long sungai. Sungai cin apau te mening nai ngalo, mono baya' paruk ngan u-ong ja empau lan, tuyaw u-ong ja bio, ngan tuyaw suwi ngan pun dau pipa ilu sua sungai nai mono/matung baya' billa batu ja atek empau lan-lan. Ke tana' apau ne un kado' u-ong billa, uko baan u-ong Julan, u-ong Abung, u-ong kotak, u-ong seran,  ngan u-ong selio. Beng  mabun ne taat pipa ilu dalau baie suak kerejem jimak u-ong ja' nai mono cin billa batu ja ngan bayu put kerejem u-ong ja uko baan sio ojan re ilu kenta te. Jiwen ngeregen pecetep jipen boka majan ngeline kaie.

U-ong Selio bay te daya 

apau yang ja empau ale, ngebila

Kise layan dalau baie kine un tiga ale-ale. Ilu sokat naat sungai mening tai matung, u-ong billa ja empau, mudung Selidang, mudung Batu Bora ngan mudung Batu Mabun, madek ngan bau bayu dalau baie ja atek tiga ngan sokat naga berua le ngan pejiwen anit osah le.
Usun Apau jane tana ja miyang (1100 meter atau 3500 kaki cin aras laut) ngan ke empau e te beng laka' ngan metun ne tana', kado puun tumu,  leka tiga ngan apau bio ale-ale, ke bai te miyang ngan boka le tai pokat ngan pono e atek taten ale ngan poto mesun suak le sangkit lamak.  Tana' apau jine kata oban tepun le Kayan, Kenyah ngan Penan mudip bekading re apan re denak teka mudip cin ayau re. Suak ma-an ayau kenai nyudup ida ke tana' apau ne.  Tai ne tuan megang ilu o-o de' nta ne ilu takut ayau odai, na nai ne tepun le ngkin ilu buwau ke long sungai. Naat ne kita asat buwau le apan le sokat ngedawa' teka mita kengkeh oban lepuun tepun le bekading re baya' kita map ja ilu peluwak ke blo ji ne.

Nta lote ilu ketai daru masat dalau baie ke apau te oban keriut tua' le oban janan asat kia ngan nta kado oban janan du nai pono iyang nai ke apau ne, un tepe o-o oban ne sengim ale-ale ilu adang ke tai metan pejetep jipen atau korang aktif (hypothermia) suak nta sukat nyana ngan  nta sokat ngelaset denak. 

Bay te' lebet selat tau (timur) un ca billa ja atek empau atau minggai sah-ai ngan un lalut ja ngalo atek mening lan, ke pokat yang billa ji atek sokat alak 2 atau 4 tau jane ilu abe ke apau ne. Ma-an ale kita janan ja. Ke bahagian utara (bay te' u-ong Julan) ji ne ca kelab jutawan ke uyan ca golf resort lepa nta tenuyan ngan butung oban sua' ilu takut ekologi ke apau te un terganggu. Ida lepa oyan ca amin bio atau amin rehat/clubhouse  kaie nepeng kado kayu, nanem udu apan ne jadi ca kata re naat atau ngulung (zoo) pun maan, ngan tapak ji atau kata amin bio ji naki nta kumin stabil struktur tana e.

 Millionaire club lepa perai ne ji - gaban alak cin blog du

Apau ji un 3 re mudung berapi ja lepa nta aktif (mudung atau tana' letak baan Kenyah kidi) ida jane mudung Selidang (ji ja empau ale mida 4500 kaki), mudung Kanawang (4200 kaki) ngan Batu Mabun (4200 kaki). Bay te utara jane un 2 re la-a mudung berapi (tana' letak) ja nta aktif uko' baan mudung Kalulong (5400 kaki) ngan mudung Seludong (4500 kaki), dua mudung di peco' ngan usun apau sua' atung sungai paong. Un mudung batu bora nta ji oban bay te apau te iya jane ke bay sungai plieran pengempau e jane 4700 kaki.

Nta majan la-a ilu pe kelo naat kengkeh oban apau Dulit (bay te Belaga-Tinjar te ji) oban un dau tekena' oban dau tepun le nai cin apau dulit senaak re. Pengempau mudung Dulit ji jane 4300 kaki.

Apau ji ne ja petolat atung sungai ja' tai matung ke baram, tinjar, murum, plieran ngan rajang ngan ja atek tiga lan iya sukat kelimpun ngan nak sungai milu dalem kodak kodak bolan.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Nai mecin Usun Apau

Denga cin usun apau ngan ngebawa' anak Kenyah apan tai menu' Tana' Usun Apau ca tau bekidai te....
Ji ne se' ketuk ngadan pengelatak tepun le ja nai mecin Usun Apau, ake ala' data ji cin blog amai tebun. Ilu oyan lote kidi o-o apan lebo lote teka pecap kidi, oban iut ale se' kita kalung ji.

Lepo bio Kenyah lepo jamuk atau kenyah long badeng (nta eek ke details out telu (3) tat lepo Badeng' atau Jamuk de ca oban takut iya nta kumin teneng o-o. Beng tulat asat buwau ja' nai cin  Long Iran tuwak le je ilu ke naat ji. Na-at lote ilu kise' asat buwau lepo Badeng da ca ca liwai o-o..

Un dau de latak bada make bekading re tepun le ja ne ca bali ( aka lorek jane ca leto) ja nai mudip dalau empun kelonan.

Un lepe information da ilu nta kumin pasti ja nta un awai nak kaie

Ngadan pengelatak lepo un ilu ngalong nyeng ke ngadan lepo le

Lolau Mabo, Usun Apau (Papui Anye' atau Apui Anye')
Lolau Mabo, Usun Apau (Paran Anye' atau Aran Anye')
Buwau badeng atau jamuk cin Lolau Mabo ida tai ke Lidung Jelo
Lidung Jelo (Tasek Balan)
Long Teboken, Apau Data (Tasek Balan)
Long Benalui, Apau Data (Tasek Balan)
Long Mujan (Tuwen cuk du magang anak ngan de' mukun) - apan perintah lebo nai naat ilu ngan nyat pupu
      |                                              |
 1. Long Bui (Tasek Balan), 2. Alo/Iut Purau (Tugau Ajang /../ 2.1. Lio Matoh, Ulu Baram (Belawan Lenjau)
Long Batang, ake ngio ji ke Kalimantan Timur (Tasek Balan)
Long Betaoh, ke Kalimantan Timur (Tasek Balan)
Ka Tenejan, ke Kalimantan Timur (Tasek Balan)
Long Iran ke Kalimantan Timur (Tasek Balan) - petenup kelo' kenai pelempet bay te Sarawak ne ji
2. Long Busang, Hulu Rajang (Hj. Zawawi @ Jawa Bilong -> Yusuf Bin Zawawi)
3. Long Dungan /Batu Keling (Amit Jalong -> Lahang Laing)
4. Data Kakus (Amit Jalong/Ngang Kuleh/Baling Along/Bilang Emau/Tasek Bilong)
5. Long Beyak (Batok Bilong)

Nta kumin majan la-a ake ke na denga cin Usun Apau ngan nta le kumin tisen daleh ke empau usun apau ji kengkeh oban toa le mudip bekading re...ja atek lan ne empau ale-ale oban kise apau ji ngan miyang pe kita e cin mung pipa ngan sada e. Kadu-ale-ale pe uong ke sada apau ji ngan nta le tisen bay te engkeh oban tepun le mudip ke apau ji senaak re. Pengebio tana leka ke apau ji jane kira-kira 50 km persegi, bio ale ja ngan pengempau e jane 980-1100 m atau kira-kira 3500 kaki cin empau sada banget (cin empau aras laut). empau ale-ale ja senganak.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

yu dicem dicem sem toh?

Tuwi ake un kado keriut teka jagan, tai kah ngan ki lepa abe beluak tau ne oban ja. Opit pe nta un kelunan kengkeh oban ketai kelonan ne ai lengah bada..tai masat ke kedai kina meli inu ngan nai ule.... kado lepe oban inu-inu ja ake lingo nta nawai...ja ne teka udip ke

Lep laning lep laning lepa bolan pien ne oban ji, kelo tai ule krismas bane liwai ji le ne kumin, Tuhan ja mesik janan boka le pesenteh palak Iya. Kumin tain ai leko ale ne teka' le tai ule ke lepo naki odai, oban le nta un tuyang kado ke lepo odai bane...mung ida lepa tai un anun ngan kelo mengin tai masat pe nta kumin tiga atau senang odai...anak le la-a un kado. Jadi ilu kaang ilu tuwak ne kebaien ngan tuyang le.

Nta sukat tai main bup tai taup la-a, atek ja ne teka adu le bekading re tai ti bup singket tai taup.

Tai osah le mukun ne ji pe sidek ngan anak le pelepa nai bio atau latak kise...beng kelo nyat tai nyatung ne di nta pe jak un teka' kebaien tai ngkin ida...un jaat teka kimet boka nawai ja oban bekading re ilu sukat tai entu' pa bala mata atau pa jiwen ale...atek tiga ale teka' ja ne...ida naki ilu molen ida ti kado inu....naah ida pe tisen naat TV and main komputer games tuak....kumin ja odai senganak?....nengayet lote badeng mibu ngkin anak le tai masat naat daleh de cuk...ngkin ida explore dalau baie ngan nauk man alut tai ala kojau...ji ja ngkin ida nawai kumin oban kise le mudip senaak re...anak le naki nta tisen kado inu ngan gayeng ja ilu kenyah ti bekading re....ayen tai dorat kidi ngan ti lote kidi keriut de...tai nauk la-a......petego ca liwai la-a o o te. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuwi dalem Sejarah klinik desa data kakus

Tuwi dalem sejarah pemerintahan BN, janji ditepati, janji 10 tahun yang lalu ditagih? Semasa pemerintahan MP Joseph Mauh ak Ikeh sebagai MP Selangau tahun 2002 (sepuluh tahun lama tu) di dalam dewan parlimen Kerajaan Malaysia, pada HARI ISNIN 1 APRIL, 2002 PUKUL 10.00 PAGI wow detail tu.... (tapi kenapa dia orang bermesyuarat pada hari april fool yer....) mungkin itulah sebabnya klinik desa ini tak jadi didirikan kot...sebab mereka sangat suka fooling us around. Sekarang  ni MP Selangau dah tukar dah...kepada seorang lagi yang dikenali dengan nama Joseph Entulu Belaun... apa cerita? cerita donggeng ker?....hehehe...Joseph ler jugak yang kena jawap....soalan cepu emas ni...pasal joseph mauh tak follow up betui-betui 10 tahun yang lalu...dah dua penggal dah....kerja tak bikin...apa lu buat masa jadi should follow suruh aku follow up aku bukan MP....aku cuma suka buat bising dan tagih janji yang dibuat.

(PM #21607 v1)
44. Tuan Joseph Mauh ak. Ikeh [Selangau] minta MENTERI KESIHATAN
(Datuk Chua Jui Ming pada masa tu) menyatakan berapa buah klinik desa akan dibina di Sarawak dan Sabah pada tahun 2002 dan adakah termasuk pembinaan klinik desa seperti
Klinik Desa Badang Data Kakus, Klinik desa Ng. Muput dalam daerah
Tatau, Klinik Desa Ng. Aran Ulu Mukah, Klinik desa Ng. Tamin dan
Setapang dalam kawasan Parlimen P187 Selangau.

Tahun 2012 bulan Ogos pulak tu, kami nak tanya Klinik desa Data Kakus sudah siap ker belum? eehhh malulah nak jawap...tepuk dada tanya selera kata alo' put.

kekekekeeeee....tipu rakyat Data Kakus lagi...belum lagi bangkitkan janji-janji palsu yang lagi banyak ditaburkan...Pemimpin BN yang janji tak ditepati.....JANJI DITAGIH SETELAH 10 Tahun lebih sikit.

Apa BN mau buat sekarang? LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI !...bikin kliniklah...tapi budget tak ade...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wikipedia me Data Kakus

Pengebada' me ilu mung, ilu lepa oyan ca lasan kata Data Kakus dalem wikipedia. Teka' dalem pengelo' le atek dengkep ale kita  inu ji ilu ke ngelamun tapi nta pe kita e tai kua' ngan pengelo' osa le.

Arep telu sokat tai menuk ngan edit te lote ca tau bayak te boka un baien. Tiga tawai. Je kenta' ne jane senawan le tai kidi atau search cin google atau yahoo man ngadan data kakus.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Baru Bian's speech

DUN 14-23 MAY 2012
Mr Speaker,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address this august House on the occasion of debating the Motion of Appreciation, on the address of His Excellency the Governor of Sarawak given on 14th May 2012.
I would first like to bring up a matter, which is of grave concern, that is, the scourge of drug abuse in Limbang and Lawas, which probably is a reflection of what is happening in other divisions of the State. In my visits to these places, I have heard of many instances of youth being caught up in drug addiction or what I call “drug experimentation”, and the number of cases seems to be increasing. Many people have informed me that the drug ‘syabu’ is readily available, and can be bought freely even in the vegetable market. It is packed in short strips of sealed up straw and costs RM50 per strip. Shocking reports disclosed, even police officers in Limbang were found to be drug abusers (Borneo Post 26 March 2012). I have been informed that out of every 5 people, 1 has tried this drug. This is an alarming statistic and should be a cause enough for all those concerned to take note and conduct a thorough investigation. On my visit last week to Limbang, I was told of how a primary school student was more involved in helping to stuff the drug into these straw strips and selling them rather than doing his school work. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a frightening development and new discovery for me.
From the website of the Anti-Drug Agency, the number of drug addicts reported in Sarawak for the year 2011 was 267, an increase of 84.4% from the 145 recorded in 2010. This increase represents the second highest increase after the state of Melaka, which recorded an increase of 123.86%.
The Minister of Social Development stated recently that the problems of drug addiction were not serious but the problems of drug abuse were increasing from 585 cases in 2010 to 758 cases last year, (Sarawak Tribune 19 April 2012). I am not sure what the difference between the two sets of problems is but the use of drugs can only have deleterious effects, ranging from absenteeism, reduced productivity and petty crimes to violent crimes, social problems and moral degradation.
I note that there is a proposal to conduct random drug tests in schools; this is a welcome move. However, more needs to be done to prevent the entry of drugs into the state from neighbouring countries. The borders of Limbang and Lawas with Brunei and Indonesia are said to be extremely porous, and the ease with which one can find syabu in these towns is testament to that fact. I urge the government to step up its efforts in enforcement to stem the flow of drugs into the state. Perhaps the Minister could inform this august house the latest statistics on drug related problems amongst our youth and the schools throughout the States and what had been done to resolve this problem.
The newspapers have reported that crime rates have dropped. In Sarawak, the latest figures are that the crime rate has dropped by 15% in the last two years.
But even the police acknowledge in their website that it is well known that many, if not most offences are not reported to the police, and changes in police procedures can have a big impact on how such reported crimes are categorised.
It is not enough to be told that crime rates have fallen; we want to know how many cases remain unsolved, and how many cases are unreported for every case reported. Unfortunately, it cannot be denied that many citizens take the attitude that there is no use reporting a crime such as a bag snatching, as the perception is that “nothing will be done by the police”. Also, we can go and ask any person in the street whether he or she feels safer from crime today than he or she did last year and I can guarantee that the answer is no. The fear of crime amongst Malaysians stands at 52.9%, according to a recent survey.
Notwithstanding the supposedly reduced crime rate in Sarawak, the Borneo Post reported on 11 May 2012 the Assistant Minister of Youth Development as saying that the number of juveniles involved in thefts and drugs are on the upward trend in Sarawak since 2010, and that the figure for this year could overtake last year’s figures.
I do not propose to go into the many reasons people turn to crime, but I only wish to say that the degeneration of social and moral values is a contributing factor. It is my conviction that a firm grounding in spiritual and moral values during the formative years will go a long way towards keeping our youths from straying into lives of crime in their later years. That is why I am a strong proponent of moral and religious clubs to be encouraged in all schools rather than hindering with red tape and unnecessary pre-conditions. As a Christian, I wish to acknowledge the contributions made by the Inter School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) in many schools through out Sarawak before and after my time in the 1970s. The moral values I learned and the religious inputs I received which had shaped my life to this day were mainly the impact of ISCF works in SMK Limbang. But unfortunately some schools are not very open to have such clubs or religious bodies formed in their Schools today. I don’t know whether this problem is intentional or due to vague or unclear guidelines from the Minister of Education. I wish to refer to a specific case of SMK Merapok where application was made by the Committee for the setting up of ISCF in the school but which was rejected by the School Principal on ground that there was no approval from the State Education Director. I wrote to the Principal on the 15th February 2012, for his understanding and to use his discretion to approve the Committee’s application but sadly to date there is no reply to my said letter. The Committee in fact called me again two days ago to find out whether there is any approval yet. Regrettably I said no.
As such I respectfully ask if the Minister in Charge be kind enough to make a very clear stand on this matter once and for all and let all the heads of schools in the State be very clear of this. I speak not only for the ISCF, but also for all religious clubs or bodies who wish to set up such entity in schools as this is very crucial for the shaping of our children’s moral and religious fundamentals to overcome all society’s ills which may not be easily resolved by rules and regulations.
Mr Speaker, I am deeply concerned about the future of Sarawak – the outlook for the average Sarawakian is not as rosy as it is painted to be by the media. Witness the frantic chaos when the RM500 handout to the people was being distributed. What proportion of the population was eligible for the handout? Judging from the hordes of people scrambling for the money, Sarawak is in serious trouble. This handout was for households with low incomes. Does this mean that the people of Sarawak can be categorized as poor? It is no secret that Sarawak is one of the four poorest states in Malaysia, despite being the richest in resources.
If one were to just read the mainstream press, one would have a blinkered view of the state of things in Sarawak. We were told that we attracted the third highest level of manufacturing investment in Malaysia after Penang and Selangor in 2011, with RM8.45bil in investments. In terms of total investment, Sarawak attracted RM14.35 bil, making it the No 1 in the country. However, Mr Speaker, I am puzzled, where are the big industries and manufacturing concerns that we would expect to see from such huge amounts of investments? Where are the jobs that we would expect to be created? Where is the stimulus to the market, which should have resulted from such a huge injection into the economy? Why is the ordinary person in the street no better off today than he or she was last year, if not worse off?
Perhaps if we could see what the sources of the investments were, we may better understand the picture. We were told by the Minister for International Trade and Industry that RM6.7 bil of the investments were from Petronas, while SCORE registered an investment of RM8.2 bil. These two figures add up to RM14.9 bil covering the whole of the total investments in the State. Petronas being the major oil and gas explorer or perhaps for an appropriate term ‘exploiter’ from the state should rightly invest some of its funds in Sarawak; the investment is to help them to continue their exploring activities in the state. The million-dollar question to be asked here is: who benefits from Petronas’ activities the most? It is most definitely not Sarawak or Sarawakians.
Then the investments in SCORE. It has been reported that the investments are predominantly in the energy-intensive industries such as aluminum smelting plants, polycrystalline silicon, metallic silicon and Ferro alloy projects; and that four of the companies, namely Press Metal Bintulu SDN Bhd, Tokuyama Corporation Japan, Asia Minerals Ltd (HK) and OM Holdings Ltd (Singapore) have already commenced construction works. What these companies may have the advantage is that they are in some sort of joint venture or other connection with bigger companies like CMS, which has no connection with the ordinary Sarawakians. Even in the newpapers on Monday 14 May, the Dayak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) lamented on their being excluded from SCORE, being left as bystanders while non-Sarawakian companies are given all the opportunity of developing SCORE. It was noted that of the 15 companies involved in SCORE, only 3 were Sarawakian companies.
Again, what are these sorts of investments going to mean for the average Sarawakian or even to the local entrepreneurs?
The lack of jobs and poor salaries are two other factors, which impede the growth of Sarawak. Firstly, because a few major players control the market in Sarawak with connections to those in power, other businesses find it difficult to penetrate into the market. These companies and their subsidiaries take government contracts. Sarawak in effect is run by a few companies with monopolies in every sector, allowing them to control their prices and the wages they pay, which are generally very low. Hence, the outflow of Sarawakian labour.  There are not enough jobs to keep the youths gainfully and meaningfully employed here, resulting in migration to Peninsula Malaysia and other countries. Salaries and wages are low for what jobs are available. In fact the Labour Department reported that unattractive salaries are the cause of unemployment in the state (Borneo Post 13 May 2012) and that the salary of RM500 offered by some employers was not enough to even cover daily expenses.
The bitter pill for our people to swallow, is the fact that not only content with grabbing their lands for huge plantations, leaving them with no source of income or survival, the plantation companies are not willing to offer decent wages so that these displaced folk can have the means to survive. The wages of RM18 a day attract workers from neighbouring countries, who live extremely frugally to be able to send their wages home. The injustice is being allowed to continue, as these big companies are the few players who can control and dictate the market wages at will.
What we need are policies to break monopolies to encourage healthy competition, to promote small and medium industries. We need legislation to regulate wages and the political will to enforce such legislation. I note that the Prime Minister took the cue from the Pakatan Rakyat Buku Jingga and introduced minimum wages 2 weeks ago. However, the RM800 for Sarawak is still below our poverty line index of RM830, which is insufficient for an average family to make ends meet. That is bad enough but what is worse is there is a difference between Peninsula Malaysia and Sarawak and Sabah where the minimum wage of RM900-00 is higher than Sarawak and Sabah. I don’t think that is fair because the basic controlled items like sugar, salt, petrol and other household items are the same throughout the country. In fact some household items are more expensive when they get to Sarawak. The PR minimum wage of RM1,100 would be a more manageable wage for Sarawakians, bearing in mind that the cost of living is higher here than it is in Peninsula Malaysia.
Therefore, we need to stem the tide of Sarawakians moving away from the state and to reduce our dependence on foreign workers. 
On the subject of foreign workers, I wish to ask why it is that we only seem to attract the unskilled workers from poorer countries than Malaysia. Why is it that we do not attract professionals into the state? As an example, we have a shortage of medical specialists, such as oncologists and yet we cannot attract such professionals to come to Sarawak. We are lacking in basic healthcare for many in the more remote areas of the State; do not even have a hospital or fully staffed clinics. And yet we are promoting medical tourism for foreigners to come and have their treatment here. This is another case where we are putting the needs of our people below the moneymaking motive of the private hospitals. Our priorities need to be re-evaluated. We must take care of our own first.
I acknowledge the fact that the Government of the day does need to acquire lands including NCR lands for public purposes. If that is necessary, then equity requires that those who sacrificed their lands for these public goods should be fairly and adequately compensated. We read that a dozen more dams will be built throughout Sarawak. From our experiences in Batang Ai, Bakun and Bengoh, the Government had allocated a maximum of 3 acres of land to each family of the displaced natives to farm to sustain their livelihood. Reports show that this is not enough at all especially for a family, which has more than 3 children. In this case the next generation would have only half acre to farm. Good for them if the land is fertile. If not they would be in a worse position than before the resettlement.
I found out from historical record that during the era of the Brooke administration, Chinese families who migrated to Sarawak were given 15 acres each along the Kuching-Serian road to farm. This was the generosity of the administration towards a people who were not even natives to Sarawak then. The Government must reconsider this policy to increase such allocation in upcoming mega projects to at least 15 acres for each displaced family.
Compensation for the land taken for public purposes is also an issue. Many are unclear whether land surveyed for purpose of compensation will include the pemakai menoa and pulau galau or whether it will just be the temuda. It is time that the Government compensates the people in full for their NCR lands including the pemakai menoa and pulau galau, which the Federal Court had ruled, are NCR lands. Can we have the assurance from the Minister that this would be the case in the up coming mega-dam projects that the government will be implementing soon?  
With all that is happening in Sarawak at the moment, from the struggle of the natives with the government over their land rights and the Dams, the high incidence of labour migration, poor educational opportunities, poor healthcare and basic needs, poor infrastructure (especially roads), and some alleged weaknesses in administering the State, the 50th year of our independence offers us little to celebrate. The rights of Sarawak as stated in the 18-points agreement I believe have been slowly and insidiously eroded without anyone realizing it until this stage. It is time we take heed of what is rightfully ours. In this regard, I wish to highlight several points of concern under the said18-Points Agreement for the State Government to look into:
a.    Borneonisation: Although I do not have the exact numbers, I believe that only about 10% of senior state and federal governmental positions in Sarawak are held by Sarawakians. This is not in the spirit of the Agreement and as there are more than enough Sarawakians capable of filling these positions, I urge the State Government to enforce and give effect to this clause in the Agreement. Perhaps the Minister could disclose the statistic on this issue to date.
b.   Representation in Parliament: The Cobbold Commission, which was set up to determine whether the people of North Borneo (now Sabah) and Sarawak supported the proposal to create the Federation of Malaysia consisting of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo, and Sarawak stated in their report under paragraphs 165 and 190(g) that there was strong support for the merger and  that the representation of the Borneo States in the Federal Parliament should make up 34% of parliamentary seats and take account not only of their populations but also their size and potentialities. In addition, the Commission hoped that the Election Commission would also take account of the distance from the centre, and the difficulty of internal communications. Article 161E of the Federal Constitution provides for the protection of this quota for the two States in that no amendment is allowed without their consent. Sarawak is a huge state and many of her parliamentary constituencies are as big as any of the states in Peninsula Malaysia with accessibility only through jungle tracks and logging roads. The increase of representatives from such an area in the Federal Parliament would definitely augur well for the constituents and for national integration. I urge the State to call on the Election Commission or Federal Government to restore this 34% of seats to Sabah and Sarawak.
c.    Religion: This is one of the safeguards, which we must jealously guard. Sarawak being of a different ethnic composition from Peninsula Malaysia, it was agreed that; ‘While there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia there should be no State religion in Sarawak, and the provisions relating to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to Sarawak’. The absence of a state religion is a hallmark of Sarawak agreeing to join in the formation Malaysia in 1963, due to the wisdom of our forefathers who acknowledged that Sarawak is a land for all creeds or beliefs to mutually prosper and grow with respect for each other’s rights and freedom. It however disturbs me greatly to note that in its latest publication entitled Sarawak Facts and Figures 2010, the State Planning Unit of the Chief Minister’s Department states clearly on page 2 that Islam is the Official Religion of Sarawak. By pointing this matter I wish to state that I have no disrespect or problem with the religion of Islam but merely to ensure the fact of the matter is correct. I respectfully ask for a clarification on this matter from the Honourable Chief Minister and I hope for a reassurance that this most fundamental agreement has not been amended or taken away subtly from us.
d.   Official Language: The 18-point agreement preserves for us the use of the English language as one of the official languages of the State for all purposes, State or Federal, without limitation of time. This right is further safeguarded in Art 161 in Part XIIA of the Federal Constitution. Again I was disappointed to read in page 2 of the State Planning Unit’s Sarawak Facts and Figures 2010 that Malay is the official language. Again, I would like to get clarification from the Honourable Chief Minister as to whether there is an official language for the State of Sarawak, which we are unaware of. Mr Speaker, you are aware that we are perhaps the only State Assembly in Malaysia, which allows any language spoken in Sarawak to be used in this august house. On that premise, there cannot be an official language for Sarawak.
e.    Education: The Education policies of the Federal government have been counter-productive; I believe the standard of education has dropped tremendously over the last two or three decades. Even the Minister of Education is not sure exactly how good or bad the educational system is. In April, he was reported to have claimed that Malaysia’s education is “one of the best in the world and that it is better than that being provided in the United States, Germany and also the United Kingdom”. However, in Sunday’s papers, he was reported to have said that the government's 10 to 15-year target to achieve an education system on par with, or better than those of developed countries, was realistic. Given the confusion at Federal level, and the constant changing of goalposts to achieve an acceptable percentage of passes perhaps for public consumption or perhaps for political reason, I propose that Sarawak takes ownership of our Education System again and strive to achieve the level of education which we once made us proud.
f.     Sarawak’s Legislative List: This list includes land, under which oil and gas belong. Let us insist on receiving more than the meager 5% of the oil and gas revenue that the Federal Government takes from us through Petronas. With this money, much can be done to develop our neglected Sarawak. Proper dual carriageway roads, public transport systems, healthcare, affordable housing and free education will help us to make some progress towards lifting Sarawak out of its impoverished status. With proper and prudent management and the end of leakages and unwarranted commissions, there is much that can be achieved for Sarawak with this amount of funds.
Amidst the negotiations for the formation of Malaysia, the late Temenggong Jugah anak Barieng was said to have made a prophetic comment; he said in Iban ‘Anang anang Malaysia sebaka tebu, manis di pohon, tawal di hujung.’ [“Let not Malaysia be like the sugarcane that is sweet at the head or base and less sweet at the end”].
Yes, over the last 30 years or so, the sweetness has indeed turned sour. It is time for us to reclaim what is rightly ours and let all the people taste the sweetness of this Fair Land Sarawak.
May God bless Sarawak and His Excellency the Governor and Toh Puan with joy, happiness and good health.
For all those who celebrate Gawai may I wish you prosperity and bountiful harvests in every endeavor in the years ahead.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Tiga pecap ji tiga-tiga

Baca ji tiga-tiga ngan pekimet samaada isu laki ji teneng atau nta

But all these years since 1963, Sabah and Sarawak were treated as merely two of the 13 states of Malaysia. And this was able to happen because Barisan Nasional rules your states and Barisan Nasional is also the federal government. Hence the federal government can do what it likes to Sabah and Sarawak. However, if Sabah and Sarawak had opposition state governments -- like in Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Kelantan -- then Sabah and Sarawak will, again, be independent states although still members of the Federation or the United States of Malaya.
by Raja Petra Kamarudin

Dear voters of Sabah and Sarawak,
First of all, I initially intended to write this letter in Bahasa Malaysia, which means I would need someone to help me translate it. However, I was told that many of you are proficient in English and actually visit English language websites rather than Bahasa websites (Sabah and Sarawak readers represent 5% of Malaysia Today’s total readership of almost half a million). So allow me to continue in English.
The purpose of this ‘open’ letter is to state my stand on various issues. You already know my stand on the Oil Royalty issue, which I wrote about on 7 February 2012 (EPISODE 1: How East Malaysia and Terengganu were robbed of their wealth). I also included Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s statement on video (EPISODE 3: Ku Li talks about the mysterious plane crash in Sabah) about the tragic and mysterious plane crash that wiped out half of Sabah’s cabinet at the height of the oil royalty negotiations, which I was told had broken down.
Now, let’s move on to the next issue.
On the status of Sabah and Sarawak, we must remember that on 31st August 1957, the Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) was formed, which was a union of three groupings: the Straits Settlements, the Federated Malay States and the Unfederated Malay States.
For all intents and purposes, the Federated and Unfederated Malay states were independent states (the Straits Settlements were British Colonies) or at least were given a perception of independence. The British in those states were just advisors. Nevertheless, whether the Rulers in those states were obligated to take the advice of the British, or they could ignore it, is an issue which historians are still debating till today and they will all probably go to their graves without coming to any consensus.
I would sum it up by saying that the Rulers were not obligated to take the advice of the British Advisors. However, knowing what the British are like, they have ways of persuading the Rulers to take the advice. Gunboat diplomacy is one persuasive method that comes to mind. Another very persuasive method would be to support a pretender to the throne in the many power struggles (even today it is still happening in some states) and once there is a change of regime the new Ruler would be obligated to listen to the British who had put him onto the throne.
Nevertheless, the British in the spirit of diplomacy never demonstrated force. Persuasion was the order of the day. And I am sure that when Sabahans saw what happened to those who resisted the federal government’s move to take the state resources and just throw back 5% to the state as royalty, the new Sabah regime was ‘persuaded’ to accept the 5% and shut the fxxk up.
Anyway, back to the issue of the Federation of Malaya. As I said, 11 states under three groupings merged into a union. While the Americans call theirs a union, the British preferred the term federation. I suppose the British hate the Americans for losing the war so they did not want to be seen as copying the Americans. Hence we became the Federation of Malaya rather than the Union of Malay States or the United States of Malaya.
But that was what we really were, the United States of Malaya. And that would mean other than matters involving security, defence and foreign policy, the rest are state matters and under the power of the states. Certainly we cannot have the Selangor Police Force like they do in the US. We cannot have a State judiciary with different laws across states. Kelantan also cannot declare war on Thailand or Johor on Singapore. And so on. But the rest comes under the states.
Now, what has happened over 51 years from 1957 to 2008 is as follows. Most states at most times were under the ruling party in Parliament. Except for Kelantan and Penang (from 1969 to 1973), the states were federal-ruled. (1978-1990 Umno ruled Kelantan). Hence, it meant that the states were forced to subject themselves to the federal government.
No doubt, there were times when the states did try to demonstrate their independence from federal rule. The state Menteri Besar would sometimes defy the Prime Minister, like what happened in Selangor once when they resisted the takeover of Putrajaya to turn it into Federal Territory.
Then what happened to this Menteri Besar? He was forced to resign due to a sex scandal. Honestly, if sex scandals are reasons to force a Menteri Besar to resign then the only Menteris Besar or Chief Ministers still in office would probably be in the Pakatan Rakyat states.
Yes, the state CEO does not defy the PM. To do so would mean you get forced out of office, if you don’t first die in a plane crash. And why do you think Dr Mahathir Mohamad appointed Ministers who are corrupt and have scandals and skeletons in their closet? Are you so stupid that I need to answer that question?
You can’t control a clean person. A tainted person can be kept in line. All Dr Mahathir had to do was to show this person the thick file he has on him or her and that person will submit to whatever the Prime Minister says.
And that was why Sabah and Sarawak got a raw deal. The CEOs you have for your two states are tainted. They can go to jail for 1,000 years if the federal government releases its dogs on the Chief Ministers of your two states.
How much is Taib worth? Tens of billions! Musa Aman is now worth more than RM1.5 billion. Some say it is double that. Whatever it is, he did not make that kind of money by skipping lunch every day.
Do you think that the CEOs of Sabah and Sarawak dare oppose the federal government? Do you think that the CEOs of Sabah and Sarawak dare fight for the rights and interests of Sabahans and Sarawakians? Do you think that the CEOS of Sabah and Sarawak have a death wish?
Hence, there would be no way you people of Sabah and Sarawak can get a better deal as long as Barisan Nasional is in power in the states. You can oust Taib and Musa Aman if you wish. But as long as the replacement is still from Barisan Nasional, then another tainted man will take the throne because only tainted people can be controlled. No way will Barisan Nasional appoint someone like Nik Aziz of Kelantan to become the Chief Minister of Sabah or Sarawak, not while your two states have so much wealth, which the federal government wants to rob.
Okay, let’s now talk about the new Federation, the Federation of Malaysia. I have explained that the Federation of Malaya was a union of 11 states under three groupings. Then, the Federation of Malaya negotiated with Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and Brunei to form the Federation of Malaysia.
Hence the Federation of Malaysia was a new union of five nation-states -- a Federation or Union of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and Brunei.
Brunei did not want to join because they knew they would be swallowed up. Singapore joined but Lee Kuan Yew insisted that he become the Prime Minister of Singapore. He did not want to become the Chief Minister of Singapore like how Tunku Abdul Rahman wanted.
The Tunku was furious. Malaysia can’t have two Prime Ministers, argued the Tunku. The Tunku was the Prime Minister of Malaysia so Lee Kuan Yew has to be the Chief Minister of Singapore, not the Prime Minister of Singapore.
The solution was simple: if Lee Kuan Yew wants to become the Prime Minister of Singapore then Singapore has to leave Malaysia. Then he can even become the King or Emperor of Singapore if he wants to.
And that was why Singapore left Malaysia. Some historians say that Lee Kuan Yew purposely raised the issue of becoming the Prime Minister of Singapore because he knew that this could not be accepted and hence that would mean Singapore would have to leave or get kicked out of Malaysia.
Whatever it may be Lee Kuan Yew’s argument was that Singapore is at par with Malaya, not at par with Selangor, Perak, Johor, or whatever. This meant Singapore is above the 11 states, not just one more state of 14 states.
And would this not also apply to Sabah and Sarawak? Is Sabah the 12th state and Sarawak the 13th state of Malaysia? Or are the 11 states below Sabah and Sarawak and Sabah and Sarawak equal to Malaya?
The 11 states have Chief Police Officers. Sabah and Sarawak have Police Commissioners. And the Police Commissioner gets to fly the state flag on his official car. Does this not show that Sabah and Sarawak are above the 11 states?
Bahasa Malaysia Bibles and the use of the word Allah are banned in the 11 states of Malaya but not in Sabah and Sarawak.
The Immigration Department in Selangor, Perak, Johor, etc., cannot bar Haris Ibrahim from going to those states but he can, and in fact is, barred from entering Sabah and Sarawak.
Lawyers from Malaya can’t practice in Sabah and Sarawak unless they first obtain a permit. They do not need to do the same to practice in Selangor, Perak, Johor, etc.
So you see, Sabah and Sarawak are not equal to Selangor, Perak, Johor, etc. Sabah and Sarawak are not the 12th and 13th states of Malaysia. Sabah and Sarawak are equal to Malaya.
But all these years since 1963, Sabah and Sarawak were treated as merely two of the 13 states of Malaysia. And this was able to happen because Barisan Nasional rules your states and Barisan Nasional is also the federal government. Hence the federal government can do what it likes to Sabah and Sarawak. However, if Sabah and Sarawak had opposition state governments -- like in Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Kelantan -- then Sabah and Sarawak will, again, be independent states although still members of the Federation or the United States of Malaya.
Can you now see where your destiny lies? Stop screaming and foaming at the mouth. It will get you nowhere. And you don’t even need to talk about getting out of Malaysia like what Singapore did. All you need to do is to vote in a state government that is independent of the federal government and you will automatically gain your independence.
My suggestion is for Sabah and Sarawak to become a third force, but one united third force (such as a North Borneo Alliance). You can, of course, enter into an electoral pact with Pakatan Rakyat if you want. In fact, this may actually be a good idea. Do what the LibDems in the UK did. They let Labour and Conservative fight it out and then they became the kingmaker.
Whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal government is not your worry. Your worry should be that Sabah and Sarawak are independent of both. Even if Pakatan Rakyat forms the federal government you still want to be free of federal domination. If you ‘belong’ to Pakatan Rakyat then you will not be too free to demand what belongs to Sabah and Sarawak.
That, in a nutshell, is my message to the voters of Sabah and Sarawak. And you better quickly get your act together because the next general election may be as early as next month and not later than June this year.

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